Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How to use your voice without over using it! A Preschool Teacher’s Guide

  • Your voice is your most powerful tool!
  • Being excited doesn’t mean raising you voice!
  • A whisper can be excited too!

  1. Lower your voice from a high to low octave- a high voice strains and is not pleasant to listen to!
  2. Be silly with your voice- use the full range of silly voices and noises. When you say “Reach down low”, reflect that in your voice!
  3. Whisper to get attention- I love to start the class with a sneaky quiet tiptoe to the circle.
  4. Clap to get attention: Clapping a rhythm will get their attention as they try to copy it.
  5. Sing directions in a chant like way instead of saying them.
  6. Keep the volume control handy. If a song is to loud lower it.
  7. Demo a sequence without the music- using helpful images and then do it with the music
  8. Ask them to sing with you!
  9. Use your body to show what to do and keep you words few! If you want the kids to “jump in the waves”, say “Show me how you can jump”  and pick a word such as “splash”, to repeat and that they can copy so they are saying it with you!
  10. Demo raising hands and taking turns so they all don’t speak at once
  11. Use gestures to say what you want. Create a gesture for stop, sit, stand up etc. 

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