Monday, March 9, 2015

Upcoming events....

March professional development

3/5 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Yoga for Preschoolers
3/6 Cypress Hills Childcare Center and East harlem bilingual preschool....The Challenging Child
3/7- NJCCA Conference.................................Listening Communication and Resilience
3/20- Tremont Crotona Pre-K workshop .......The Challenging Child
3/24-Bergen County Early Childhood Education Conference- Keynote presentation, Activate Your Curriculum
3/27- MassAEYC Spring Conference full day workshop.......Active Learning Games to reach Academic Goals
3/31- Bergen County office for children workshop.....Active for Life, Indoor/outdoor games for preschoolers


  1. Hi Monica..........It all sounds GREAT ........I highly recommend all of Monica's classes and events!!!!!............From one dancing spirit to another - here is my spring fling which begins today......oxoxo Love Barbara Maverick Dream Belly Dance. March 9 - May 9,World Shimmy Mob Belly Dance Day, SandywoodsCenteroftheArts 4 Women’sResourceCenter. RI BLOGGER REVIEW <3

  2. Thanks Barbara! I wish you all the best for your Spring Fling! I am enjoying the thaw today!
