Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Advice for New Pre K Teachers

5 Tips to Keep in Mind as you begin a new year!

First Impressions are Important!

Greeting each child at their level, learning their name and having simple inviting instructions such as- Why don’t you hang your things in your cubby and choose a book from the book corner?-  help to make the child, (and parent), feel at ease and secure.

Get attention with a compelling movement game

For circle time start with an active game or song to get everyone focused before you have them sit down.

Keep sitting times short!

Organize your teaching assistant to deal with any distracted children so you can keep the activities moving along. Clarify rules of the classroom, simply and directly.

Be flexible!

As you learn about the children adjust who sits next to whom and how to help children focus, try new activities and practice independence. You may need to discuss new strategies with your teaching assistant so you are both on the same page.

Make transitions fun!

Using games to transition from one activity to another. This makes transitions teachable moments instead of chores.

Enjoy each day! Don’t worry if things didn’t go as planned. Reflect and learn from what you experienced.

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